Mineral Royalty Case Banner

Cases | Judgement Pronouncement

Nature of royalty paid by mine leaseholders

In a 8:1 majority, a nine-judge Constitution Bench held that "royalty" is not a "tax" and that state government's have the authority to impose tax on mines and minerals

Mineral Royalty Case


Nature of Royalty: Argument Matrix

The matrix breaks down 8 days of arguments before nine judges on whether royalty paid by mine leaseholder is a tax and if states can levy it

Cases | Arguments Summary

Who can tax?: A summary ‘extraction’ of the Mineral Royalty case

A nine-judge bench heard arguments on the turf war between the Union and states. Mining companies also had their say. Here’s a summary

Analysis | Desk Brief

Breweries, refineries, treasuries

Two cases, three lists and a turf war between the Centre and states

Nature of royalty paid by mine leaseholders


Mineral Area Development Authority v Steel Authority of India

In a 8:1 majority, a nine-judge Constitution Bench held that state government's can impose tax on mines and minerals. It observed that "royalty" is distinct from tax.

Freebies in Electoral Democracy and Welfare State


Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay v Union of India

The Supreme Court is hearing challenges against the practice of offering and distributing freebies during election campaigns. The Court's decision will determine how political parties contest elections in India.

Challenge to the Marital Rape Exception


Hrishikesh Sahoo v State of Karnataka

The SC will decide if the marital rape exception to Section 376 of the IPC violates the fundamental rights of married women.

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