Sushovan Patnaik

Sushovan is a researcher and fact-checker at the Supreme Court Observer.

Sushovan Patnaik's Posts


Supreme Court refuses to cancel 2024 NEET UG exam due to insufficient evidence of “systemic” leak

The Court held that a retest would have “cascading effects” on medical education and prejudice students from marginalised communities


‘Private operators’ and coaching centres tampered with the 2024 NEET UG exam, argue petitioners

The Court directed a three-member expert body from IIT Delhi to clarify the position of an ambiguous question in this year’s NEET exam


Common entrance exams and the Supreme Court

A review of cases on all-India exams suggest that the Court has encouraged centralisation even at the cost of shoddy administration


Paper leak in NEET UG 2024 is an undisputed fact, says Supreme Court; directs NTA to disclose exam details by 10 July

The Bench will decide if a retest of the NEET UG 2024 is essential based on the NTA’s report


The Supreme Courts of South Asia: A comparative look

A ready-reckoner about some of the key features of the top courts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan


Kania and Nehru

Nehru’s fraught relationship with the judiciary had its roots in his exasperation with the first Chief Justice on the matter of appointments


Justice A.S. Bopanna’s Notable Judgements

From demonetisation to legislative immunity for lawmakers, Justice Bopanna was part of key Constitution Bench cases at the top court


When Dr Ambedkar argued in the Supreme Court

In his only known case in the SC, the key architect of the Constitution evoked its ‘spirit’ in a precursor to the Basic Structure doctrine


What are the oldest pending cases at the Supreme Court?

The registry’s response to an RTI filed by SCO shows that 24 cases have been pending for 30 years or more. We dig into the details


A decade in incarceration: How justice failed Professor G.N. Saibaba

Saibaba speaks about how bail for the marginalised is a major blind spot for the Courts


Judiciary must ensure that fundamental rights are closely guarded: Interview with G.N. Saibaba

Professor Saibaba speaks to SCO about how the failures of the judiciary is reflected in prisons


Money matters are the oldest matters

Oil companies, realtors and big business have a lot riding on the outcomes of the three longest-pending nine-judge bench cases


Five must-reads on sub-classification within reserved categories

A revisiting of the Chinnaiah judgement raises questions about sub-classification in reservations for Scheduled Castes


The many legacies of Justice S. Ravindra Bhat

Civil rights champion, ‘black letter’ judge, the man who shook up Indian IP jurisprudence—who was the real Justice Bhat?


Supreme Court Review 2023: The diversity problem remained unaddressed

Even in a mostly full-strength Court, there was a startling lack of representation of religious minorities, women & marginalised communities


Supreme Court Review 2023: Bail

In a year when the Court has been accused of not walking its talk, its bail decisions stand out as a stark instance of this trend


Supreme Court Review 2023: Gender Discrimination and Personal Liberty

In a concerning year for personal liberty, the Court took on gender stereotypes but undid its progressive jurisprudence in an abortion case


Justice S.K. Kaul’s Notable Judgements

In a judicial career spanning 20 years, Justice Kaul’s judgements deeply impacted freedom and autonomy


36th LAWASIA Conference 2023 | Regulating the right to internet is a deeply political discussion

Panellists discussed various possibilities on the best way to regulate internet shutdowns, net neutrality and hate speech on social media

Hearing Reports

Freebies in Electoral Democracy | Day 8: If inducement of bribery cannot be done directly, it cannot be done indirectly, argue petitioners

Petitioners contended that political parties must be seen as “persons” engaging in corrupt practices by promising freebies


On disability rights, we need to look beyond the Supreme Court

While the top Court has commendably steered disability advocacy, stronger localised adjudication is fundamental


The perpetual struggles of disability rights litigation

For years, disability rights advocates have claimed weak legal enforcement. A PIL in the apex court has the chance to catalyse a reckoning


Equality among equals: five must-reads on the necessity of affirmative action

In the wake of the passing of the Women’s Reservation Bill, we curate some thought-provoking reads on the true intent of affirmative action


Many a slip between jail and bail?

The Supreme Court must take into account both structural and practical issues that cause delays at every stage of the bail process


What cases will be heard by the nine-judge bench of the Supreme Court?

The nine-judge bench will hear cases on rights of landowners, taxation, power of the state to levy excise fee and industrial disputes


The Women’s Reservation Bill has a long history of arguments and stakes

DESK BRIEF: After two years of silence from the government in a PIL, Parliament abruptly passed the bill in a special session

Hearing Reports

Abrogation of Article 370: Arguments Matrix

Breakdown of 60+ hours of arguments in the challenge to the repeal of Jammu and Kashmir’s special status


Restricted Information: Six significant judgements from the last decade

Backdoor legislative tweaks, sluggish e-portals, mixed messaging from courts—India’s once-vaunted RTI framework is losing its bite.


The Delhi ‘Services’ Bill: How Does it Differ from the Union’s Ordinance?

SCO examines the major differences between key provisions of the Delhi Service Ordinance and the Delhi Service Bill.


Supreme Court’s Refusal to Deploy Security Forces in Manipur: Rare or Standard Procedure?

Precedents indicate that the Supreme Court has frequently directed the deployment of paramilitary forces to maintain law and order.