Mihir R
Mihir R's Posts

Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023: A missed opportunity for horizontal equality
The Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 wasted an opportunity to bolster the right to privacy for marginalised and vulnerable groups.

Supreme Court handbook on gender stereotypes: Progressive, but will the law catch up?
A new publication from the apex court acknowledges that ‘stereotypical language’ reinforces ideas contrary to constitutional ethos

The Consequences of Pending Constitutional Benches
One of the main constitutional functions of the Court is exercised through Constitution Benches.

Court Data
What is a Typical SC Judge’s Career Path?
Data reveales that High Court judges who were advocates hold more Supreme Court positions than those from the subordinate judiciary.

Court Data
Less than 45% of HC Judges are from the Subordinate Judiciary [2017-21]
43.6% of HC judges have been appointed from the subordinate judiciary and the remaining 56.4% were appointed directly from the Bar.

The Collegium’s Spell of Transparency
DESK BRIEF: For 2 brief years, the collegium used to publish reasons for recommending appointments and transfers of judges.

2021 Monsoon Session Review
The Court’s Monsoon Session was dominated by cases related to tribunals and reservations. Several constitutional cases remain pending.

Court Data
Woman SC Judges Have Shorter Tenures than Male Judges
While the number of woman judges at the SC has increased, the time they will spend on the bench is low.

Court Data
14 Out of 25 High Courts are Represented at the Supreme Court
With no fixed rules about it, and the recent appointment of nine new judges, regional representation in the Supreme Court has changed.

Court Data
How Diverse is the Supreme Court in terms of Religion?
Besides these informal conventions, religious diversity has not been a major criteria for appointments to the Supreme Court.

Court Data
Caste Diversity at the Supreme Court
After the appointment of the first Dalit judge in 1980, this is the first time that two Dalit judges are serving simultaneously.

Monthly Review: September 2021
In September, nine new judges settled into their role. The Court began to hear important cases on reservations and tribunals.

Court Data
Does Seniority Trump Merit in Judicial Appointments?
Seniority is an important consideration for recommendations to the Supreme Court, and there is now an all-India list indicating the same.

Court Data
Is Integrity Essential for Judicial Appointments?
Integrity appears the second highest number of times as a criterion mentioned in collegium resolutions, but only twice for specific judges.

Court Data
Religious, Caste and Gender Diversity: A Factor for SC Judges?
What are the criteria for appointing SC judges? Recent collegium resolutions have been taking a need for 'due representation' into account.

Court Data
Is Merit the Primary Criteria for Judicial Appointments?
There is no legally mandated or publicly declared merit criterion for the appointment of judges.

Court Data
Collegium’s 13 Resolutions Recommending SC Judges
Collegium has released thirteen resolutions regarding Supreme Court judges' appointments since October 2017.

How Do Supreme Courts Choose Their Cases?
The Indian Supreme Court is famous for its large docket, while the US Supreme Court is known selective. The UK has an Appeals Panel.

The National Green Tribunal’s Suo Moto Powers: A Summary
The Supreme Court will decide if the NGT can exercise suo moto powers without the NGT Act, 2010 explicitly granting them these powers.

State Surveillance: From Phone-Tapping to Pegasus
DESK BRIEF: While the Court hears petitions regarding the alleged use of Pegasus, it first heard a similar case of phone-tapping in 1997.

A Profile of the Supreme Court: Gender, Regional and Religious Diversity
The Supreme Court bench has the highest number of women ever, maximum judges from the Bombay and Delhi High Courts and mostly Hindu judges.

President Appoints 9 Judges to the Supreme Court
The appointments include three women and one advocate directly elevated from the Bar. B.V. Nagarathna is likely to be the first woman CJI.

Why Did Parliament Have to Pass the 105th Constitutional Amendment?
In overturning the Maharashtra Reservation judgment, the Supreme Court paved the way for a State List on SEBCs.

Justice Navin Sinha Retires on August 18th: His Tenure in Numbers
Taking a look at Justice Navin Sinha's Supreme Court tenure, spanning 4 years and 6 months, and 126 judgments.

Tamil Nadu Land Acquisition: Can States Retrospectively Side-Step Central Laws?
The Supreme Court recently upheld the TN Land Acquisition Laws Act, 2019. The history of such laws in Tamil Nadu started in 1978.

Nariman J: 14 Judgments in Which He Shaped the Law
Understanding Nariman J's landmark judgments on privacy, right to life, freedom of speech, and equality.

Justice Nariman Retires on August 12th, Wrote 307 Judgments
Elevated to the Supreme Court at the age of 58, Justice Rohinton Nariman's tenure spanned 7 years and 307 judgments.

Court Data
The COVID Effect on the Supreme Court’s Judgments in 2021
The second wave of the pandemic has had a significant effect on the number of reported judgments delivered.

Court Data
Pendency Has Increased at Admission Stage, Reduced at Regular Stage
Over the first half of the year, pendency at the admission stage increased and reduced at the regular stage.

Court Data
How has the Pandemic Affected Pendency at the Supreme Court?
The second wave of the pandemic has resulted in a rapid rise in the pendency of cases at the Supreme Court.

Attorney-General: Friend, Philosopher and Guide of the Court?
What is the role of the government's principle counsel, and where do the loyalties of this premier office-bearer lie?

Court Data
Regional Representation at the Supreme Court [1985-2021]
The Delhi and Bombay High Courts has sent the most number of judges to the Supreme Court. Some High Courts in the North East have sent none.

Health and Religion: Striking the Constitutional Balance
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the apex Court to look for a constitutional resolution to the conflict between health and religion.

Are Submissions in Indian Courts Too Complex?
How do the UKSC and SCOTUS deal with submissions that are lengthy, and often unnecessarily so, as compared to SCI?

The Phantom of the IT Act
DESK BRIEF: S 66A, has been struck down but continues to be used, reminiscent of Memo 618 in 'The Good Fight'.

Pendency Rides High on the Second Wave, while Judgments Dip in 2021
We analyse the effect of the pandemic on pendency and the number of reported judgments at the Supreme Court.

Can States’ Powers to Recognise OBCs be Restored?
The Supreme Court has refused to review its Maratha judgment.

States Cannot Recognise OBCs: How Will this Judgment be Implemented?
The Court has dismissed the review petition on the Maratha judgment. The Union must now begin consultations for a Central OBC List.

Justice Ashok Bhushan: A Signature Style
DESK BRIEF: One of Bhushan J's latest significant judgments in the Maratha Reservations case typifies his writing style.

Justice Bhushan Retires on July 4th After Half a Decade at the Court
Bhushan J was part of 779 judgments, out of which he authored 258. Most of his judgments dealt with criminal law.

Maratha Review Dismissed: What Next?
In an order dated 28th June, a five-judge Bench dismissed the application for review on the Maratha judgment.

Half Yearly Review of the Supreme Court 2021: Key Judgments and Institutional Developments
Although the first half of this year at the SC has continued to be defined by COVID, the year did not begin with the same concern.

Suo Moto Powers in Writ Jurisdictions: A South Asian Innovation?
The Indian Courts seem to have pioneered the use of suo moto powers, inspiring other South Asian Courts, including Pakistan and Bangladesh.

SCO Explains: Maratha Reservations Hearings- 102nd Amendment (4/4)
In this episode of SCO Explains, we look at whether the 102nd Constitutional Amendment took away States’ powers to identify SEBCs.

SCO Explains: Maratha Reservations Hearings – The 50% Rule (3/4)
We look at the arguments on whether the 50% limit is binding precedent, and its scope in applying it to Maratha reservations.

SCO Explains: The 50% Limit on Reservations (2/4)
We look at the rationale and the development of the 50% limit on reservations, which was an issue in the Maratha Reservations case.

How Courts Across the World Broadcast Proceedings
The Supreme Court, High Court's and apex Courts across the world have begun livestreaming proceedings to ensure greater transparency.

SCO Explains: Maratha Reservations Litigation History (1/4)
We look at the Litigation History of the Maratha Reservations case, before it came before the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court on Sedition: Regulate or Remove?
The Supreme Court in Kedarnath Singh (1962) restricted the scope of sedition law. Now the constitutionality of the law has been questioned.

Can the Supreme Court Provide Reservations for Orphans?
With the petition seeking orphans to be identified as a backward class, are we moving away from a caste centric definition of backwardness.

Round 3 on Maratha Reservations
DESK BRIEF: The review petition filed challenging the Maratha Reservation verdict, which might lead to the third round of litigation.

E-committee Releases Draft Model Rules for Livestreaming HC Proceedings
The e-committee of the Supreme Court announce Draft Rules for livestreaming of High Court proceedings.

Maratha Reservations Judgment: 5 Must Reads
In this set of ‘must reads’, we highlight some of the most insightful analysis within the first month following the Maratha Judgment.

Court Data
46 Suo Moto Cases in the Supreme Court from 1990-2021
The Supreme Court of India has often taken up cases ‘suo moto’ without any petition being filed, or interest being brought before them.

Court Data
12 Suo Moto Cases Noticed from Media Reports, of 46 [1990-2021]
As an offshoot of its unique PIL petitions, the SC has also taken up cases by their own notice, without any petition being filed.

Breaking Down the Three Opinions of the Maratha Judgment: Length, Structure & Style
Bhushan J interpreted the 102nd Constitution Amendment Act purposively whereas Bhat J interpreted the Amendment strictly based on its text.

Monthly Review: May 2021
In May 2021 the Supreme Court struck down the reservations provided to Maratha's and continued to hear multiple COVID cases.

The Marathas’ Demand for Reservation: A Litigation History [2014-21]
The Court has struck down reservation for Marathas, after 3 attempts in the 4th round of litigation on the issue. Will there be Attempt 4?

Summer Session 2021 Review
The Session was dominated by COVID-related cases, and tackling pendency. Maratha reservations were struck down, and Ramana took over as CJI.

Media Provided Virtual Access to the Supreme Court
In an online ceremony, N.V. Ramana CJI launched an app to provide the media access to Supreme Court video links.

Maratha Reservations Struck Down: Judgment Matrix
Judgment breakdown: The 50% limit on reservation was unanimously affirmed. The 102nd Amendment took away States' power to recognise OBCs.

Monthly Review: April 2021
The Court initiated a suo moto case on COVID National Policy. CJI Ramana took office from CJI Bobde. Rohingyas were denied interim relief.

Ad-Hoc Judges to be Appointed to Tackle Pendency in High Courts for the First Time
The Supreme Court has issued guidelines to appoint ‘ad-hoc judges’ to High Courts.

J Shantanagoudar’s 11 Most Important Judgments
We look at J. Shantanagoudar’s most notable judgments while on the bench.

J. Ramana Sworn In as 48th Chief Justice
CJI Ramana's seven-year term as a Supreme Court judge, through numbers and key judgments.

Court Data
The Average Tenure of a CJI is 1.5 Years
We examine the tenures of the 47 CJIs since 1950 and compare it with other common law jurisdictions.
CJI’s Bench Orders the Implementation of Draft Rules for Expeditious and Fair Criminal Trials
The CJI Bobde led three-judge bench issued an order to implement the Draft Criminal Rules on Practice, 2021.

Court Data
63 SC Judges Appointed in the Last Decade, None in 2020
We examine the tenure of the 47 Chief Justices of India, and compare it with other common law jurisdictions.

Court Recognises Indirect Discrimination & Strikes Down Army’s Gender Discriminatory Promotion Practices
The Court held that the manner of granting women officers Permanent Commission in the army reflected indirect and systemic discrimination.

Maratha Reservations Hearings: Arguments Matrix
An overview of arguments and what possible outcomes might look like in the Maratha Reservations case.

2021 Spring Session Review
The Supreme Court’s Spring Session saw many important developments on religion and the law, the conduct of elections and civil liberties.

SCO Explains: Maratha Reservations (Part 2)
In this episode of SCO Explains, we look at second part of the Supreme Court's judgment in Jaishri Laxmanrao Patil v. Union of India.

SCO Explains: Maratha Reservations (Part 1)
In this episode of SCO Explains, we look at first part of the Supreme Court's judgment in Jaishri Laxmanrao Patil v. Union of India.

Does The 50% Limit on Reservations in Indra Sawhney Hold Good? (Part II)
The subsequent developments after the Indra Sawhney judgment call into question whether the 50% rule still holds the same water.

Monthly Review: March 2021
Ramana J. was recommended as the next CJI. Court hears several matters including request for release of Rohingyas from holding centres.

Do Reservations Have to be Below 50%? From Balaji [1962] to Indra Sawhney [1992]
The ceiling limit for reservation as laid down in Indra Sawhney v Union of India has been challenged in several subsequent cases.

State Election Commissioners Should be Independent, Non-State Officers, Justice Nariman Holds
Court holds that State Election Commissioners must be independent and must not be officers who are employed by the State.

Justice Bhat’s Dos and Don’ts for Progressive Judgment Writing on Gender Violence Cases
Bhat J has outlined certain rules to be followed while drafting judgments in cases of gendered sexual violence.

J. Indu Malhotra’s 9 Most Significant Judgments
During her term at the Supreme Court, Indu Malhotra J has delivered several noteworthy judgments.

SC Upholds Multi-Member Wards for Municipalities in Gujarat
Supreme Court upholds Gujarat Municipal Law which allows multiple members from a single municipal ward to be elected to a local body.

Monthly Review: January 2021
January witnessed a number of landmark decisions by the Court including a dismissal of the challenge against the Central Vista Project.